James Devane

devane Recently received a disc of a net release from James Devane. It's a series of "nine live performance excerpts featuring continuously accumulating loops filtered through different processes."

It's really well done. There's a physical release scheduled for May, 2009. In the meantime, you can download the entire set of .mp3's as a .zip. Stream the tracks below to get a taste.

[audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track01.mp3|titles=Track01.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track02.mp3|titles=Track02.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track03.mp3|titles=Track03.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track04.mp3|titles=Track04.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track05.mp3|titles=Track05.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track06.mp3|titles=Track06.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track07.mp3|titles=Track07.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track08.mp3|titles=Track08.mp3|artists=James Devane] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Devane/Track09.mp3|titles=Track09.mp3|artists=James Devane]

East Forest

eastforest Some interesting work here from New York based artist Trevor Oswalt. A record of found sound and such titled "The Education Of The Individual Soul" is available for download or streaming.

The email says it's a "forty-five minute uninterrupted sonic voyage down a rabbit hole of jungle monkeys, vintage piano, entheogenic messages, and pulse like beats."

Don't know what all that means, but some of it sounds quite nice. Have a listen!

The Ambient Diary

The Ambient Diary is an interesting project from Hungarian sound designer Simon Tibor. You can grab the files from his site, or stream them below. Nice stuff.

[audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_pattern050306.mp3|titles=Track 1|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_pattern062706.mp3|titles=Track 2|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_studyforharpandbell.mp3|titles=Track 3|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_meditation2.mp3|titles=Track 4|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_tubesofgrace.mp3|titles=Track 5|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_addictedtosound.mp3|titles=Track 6|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_luciddreams.mp3|titles=Track 7|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_subconsciousness_pt1.mp3|titles=Track 8|artists=Simon Tibor] [audio:http://www.ambientmusicblog.com/misc/media/music/Ambient-Diary/mooorph_subconsciousness_pt2.mp3|titles=Track 9|artists=Simon Tibor]

New Fennesz Track "Saffron Revolution" at Pitchfork

Fennesz has a new track available from his upcoming album Black Sea available for streaming and free download at Pitchfork. In other news, stuff like this is why I don't write about music, I just point to it:

Beginning with some of Fennesz' trademark neo-industrial gurgles, it folds in bits of guitar and strings rather beautifully, creating a cluster of sound that trembles, seeming to wait for something. And that something moves in gradually in the form of a massive cloud of distortion, a fine white mist of harmonics mixed with a dark undercurrent of rumbling bass. The tension between these elements is so well balanced, each individual element remaining in the mix even as the sound field becomes impossibly dense, that it's no surprise that it takes a while to get it just right.


The Digital City, Christopher Knight

A nice record here from independent artist Christopher Knight. Stream a few tracks below or grab the entire thing as a free download.

"The Twilight of Dawn" [audio:The+Twilight+of+Dawn.mp3|titles=The Twilight of Dawn|artists=Christorpher Knight]

"Upload" [audio:Upload.mp3|titles=Upload|artists=Christorpher Knight]

Slumber, Allan Hubbard

Paris, Texas musician Allan Hubbard has a nice set of guitar-based instrumental work available for free download on his site through June. Well worth looking into.

The site is frames-based, so I'll link straight through to the mp3's right here. Mist Twilight Moon Fog Startled Slumber Zeke

And, if you like what you hear, Allan says he's got some new work coming out this month.